PinnedWhat is happiness? How to be happy?Don’t let media/society decide for you what makes you happy. Listen to your heart. Time is not money, time is life. Waste money, not time.Jul 24, 2023Jul 24, 2023
PinnedDo we have a free will? Or everything is pre-determined?The Universe is a very large chain of events one leading another. If you clap your hand now, it was predetermined since The Big Bang.Feb 7, 20231Feb 7, 20231
Pinned“How to become a polyglot?” or “The secret of speaking 7 languages”There are many people who spend years trying to learn a foreign language but never succeed. Because the method they apply was wrong…Sep 16, 20221Sep 16, 20221
PinnedStability Or Happiness?Stability is considered some positive thing and it’s often associated with security. Because when your life is consistently okay (and…Jul 24, 2023Jul 24, 2023
PinnedWhat makes us unique? Who are we?The moment we observe the objective reality — it becomes the subjective reality. That’s why we can’t observe it. Everything is illusion.Sep 16, 20221Sep 16, 20221
My Amsterdam (Psilocybin) Trip.As soon as I discovered the existence of such a thing like “magic mushrooms” — to try them was added to my wishlist. When I figured out…Oct 9, 2024Oct 9, 2024
Proqramlaşdırmaya nədən başlayım? Hansı dili öyrənim? İntervyulara necə hazırlaşım?C# yoxsa Java? React yoxsa Angular? Front yoxsa Back? Cloud yoxsa AI? Bilmirisiniz nədən başlayasınız? Gəlin birlikdə çözək ;)Feb 18, 2024Feb 18, 2024
“İngilis dilini necə öyrənməli?” və ya “7 dildə danışmağın sirri”Salam! Çox vaxt çox adam 7 dildə danışdığımı biləndən sonra mənə “sən necə bu qədər dildə danışa bilirsən? Necə öyrənmisən? Hansı kursa…Jun 8, 20201Jun 8, 20201
Multithreading, asinxron proqramlaşdırma, parallelism, concurrency — bunların fərqi nədir?Salam! Bugün mən sizlərə multithreading, asynchronous programming, parallelism, concurrency anlayışlarının fərqini izah etməyə çalışacam.Jun 5, 2020Jun 5, 2020